A white van with the word hirus on the side is driving down a road.
A blue logo for a company called hirus self drive van hire

Hirus is a family-owned self-drive van hire company that has been proudly serving customers since 1973. Over the years, the company has built a strong reputation and a loyal customer base, making it essential to distinguish the Hirus brand in an increasingly competitive market. 

The challenge was to find a way to differentiate the brand while still preserving the substantial equity associated with its long-established name and the recognition it has gained over decades. To address this challenge creatively, incorporating an open road element into the brand's visual identity emerged as a compelling strategy. This approach not only helped make the wordmark more memorable and visually striking but also paid homage to the many years of dedicated service Hirus has provided in the van hire industry, emphasising the journey that countless families and businesses have embarked upon with their vehicles.